Leadership is a subject that over the years has captured the interest of the most authoritative scholars who have tried to “read” every way possible to leadership. Among them, in a corporate environment, we can use transactional leadership and transformational leadership for reference.
Transactional leadership aims at improving the present situation by helping colleagues acknowledge their roles and increase group motivation. It works on two levels: reward, to keep the team’s focus on the goals and manage exceptions when they are redefined.
Unlike transactional leadership, transformational leadership is based on emotional aspects to motivate the coworkers, and valorizes subjective creativity. This can lead to a profound transformation of the mission and operational models.
Coaching supports people’s learning capacity by creating awareness of their own abilities and enabling everyone to develop their own leadership style.
Possessing technical skills within one’s industry is necessary, but insufficient, for achieving a completely winning leadership. The ability to listen, communicate, control, delegate and provide feedback are some of the soft skills that characterize a real leader.
The approach of Mindevelopment to support corporate leaders and their teams unfolds in different phases.
The first, the diagnosis phase, is designed to identify which soft skills need to be reinforced, both at an individual and at a team level.
The second, the intervention phase, is designed to reinforce clients through individual or group sessions.
The third, the feedback phase, unfolds in a group session in which each team members receive feedback on the results they achieved.